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June 13, 2007


LC Scotty

Please post something to let us know you're ok. It seems every time a blog goes idle for a spell around here, something really terrible has happened.

Andy James

Hey buddy! Interesting post... I just landed on your blog courtesy google. I was thinking.. you could try to put up some current news and happenings. Will make ur blog more interesting.There are many news scrollers. I know of one on

Sister Kristen

We live in Gatlinburg and we all use the banners for any festival we can contrive. Spring Festival, Summer festival, Valentines, military festival. It lends the tourists more value for their vacation bucks."Look honey, it's a festival!" Knoxville always has something going on, free concerts in Market Square, arts and crafts, ice skating downtown at Christmas.It just makes sense if tourism is your major income. By the way, I never noticed your blog disappearing for any length of time and I always thought that you posted "current news and happenings!


*Хитро щурюсь, сопоставляя факты…*


огромное спасибо!


Äà âñå ïîíÿòíî, Ñïàñèáî÷êè çà ïîñò.

alloy analyzer

I just landed on your blog courtesy google. I was thinking.. you could try to put up some current news and happenings..

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